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"Paramedic" in Esperanto?

од jdawdy, 30. септембар 2014.

Поруке: 38

Језик: English

jdawdy (Погледати профил) 30. септембар 2014. 10.50.56

I can't seem to find a word for paramedic in Esperanto, at least not in any of the online dictionaries.

So, I (may) have coined "paramedikisto" to describe my own profession ridulo.gif

I thought about a variant of the Russian term ('feldsher' or field-surgeon), but it didn't seem to work, and didn't seem in keeping with the KISS principal.

If anyone knows of alternatives, please speak up!

sergejm (Погледати профил) 30. септембар 2014. 11.05.36

For me, paramedikisto would be medician who cures using para-science.
via Esperanto-Russian Kondratiev's dictionary
фе́льдшер helpkuracisto, sukuristo.
санита́р flegisto.
urĝejo is the place for urgent frist aid, so I can propose urĝkuracisto
via PIV: urĝistoj Kuracistoj, medicinistoj, flegistoj laborantaj en urĝejo pri la kolektado, kuracado k taŭga orientado (por posturĝa kuracado) de la viktimoj.
[url=vortaro.net/#sukuri]sukuri[/url] Doni la unuan helpon k flegon al vunditoj, dum milito aŭ post sinistroj aŭ aliaj gravaj akcidentoj

Alkanadi (Погледати профил) 30. септембар 2014. 14.05.18

I think this is the closest thing that I can find:
Paracaidisto = Paratrooper

Parapsikologio = Parapsychology
Paramilita = Paramilitary
Paraŝuto = Parachute

From the Tekstaro:
...stabo de paramilit-organizo en nord-okcidenta...
...faligata malsupren en paraŝuto...

Or maybe this:
Medicina Teknikisto

jdawdy (Погледати профил) 30. септембар 2014. 17.08.38

sergejm:For me, paramedikisto would be medician who cures using para-science.
via Esperanto-Russian Kondratiev's dictionary
фе́льдшер helpkuracisto, sukuristo.
санита́р flegisto.
urĝejo is the place for urgent frist aid, so I can propose urĝkuracisto
via PIV: urĝistoj Kuracistoj, medicinistoj, flegistoj laborantaj en urĝejo pri la kolektado, kuracado k taŭga orientado (por posturĝa kuracado) de la viktimoj.
[url=vortaro.net/#sukuri]sukuri[/url] Doni la unuan helpon k flegon al vunditoj, dum milito aŭ post sinistroj aŭ aliaj gravaj akcidentoj
Urĝkuracisto is interesting. It has a provenance, which is nice, and seems to also have a logic to it (roots of "urgent" and "cure"). However, as a newly coined term, it isn't perfectly evident as to it's meaning- "paramedikisto" would be, I think, to most English speakers, whereas "urĝkuracisto" is probably more self-evident to those from a Slavic language background (it would certainly make sense, I think, to a speaker of Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian, etc).

Frankly, I like both ridulo.gif

Rujo (Погледати профил) 30. септембар 2014. 18.59.47

Perhaps we could say "kvazaŭkuracisto", with the meaning stated in the entries II and III of the term "kvazaŭ" in the PIV.

nornen (Погледати профил) 30. септембар 2014. 19.02.38

Could you give a short definition of what a paramedic is, does and knows; aspects he has in common with a medic and aspects in which he differs from a medic?

Rujo (Погледати профил) 30. септембар 2014. 19.07.46

It says the person who acts or aids in certain areas of medicine without being a doctor (Dicionário Houaiss).

Rujo (Погледати профил) 30. септембар 2014. 19.28.58

"Someone who is not a doctor or nurse but who is trained to help people who are injured or very sick, until they get to hospital" (Cambridge Dictionaries Online)

Rujo (Погледати профил) 30. септембар 2014. 19.34.57

Full Definition of PARAMEDIC
1. a person who works in a health field in an auxiliary capacity to a physician (as by giving injections and taking X-rays); 2. a specially trained medical technician licensed to provide a wide range of emergency services (as defibrillation and the intravenous administration of drugs) before or during transportation to a hospital (Merriam-Webster Dicionary).

Citronujo (Погледати профил) 30. септембар 2014. 19.39.00

I STRONGLY oppose to the term "paramedikisto" lango.gif because, in French, "paramédical" is a term which exists, and the sense is completely different (and I think WAY more logical than in English):
it means ALL non-doctors healthcare : pharmacist, nurses, physiotherapist ...
("médical" = doctor --> so "para-médical" = non-doctor helpers. No idea of emergency aid in particular)

According to wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramedic ), USA-paramedics are non-doctors helpers in emergency aid.
All countries in the world have that I think, but with a different name than "paramedics".

So we need to convey only these both ideas : Emergency aid + Non-doctor.
I don't have a precise idea... maybe, like @Alknadi and @jdawdy suggested, something like urĝteknikisto (or urĝkvazaûkuracisto, urĝparakuracisto -I don't know whether this use of "para" is OK in Eo like this-, more precise but longer)

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