Kio signifas "out-"?
by Grown, March 31, 2017
Messages: 10
Language: English
Grown (User's profile) March 31, 2017, 11:32:36 AM
DuckFiasco (User's profile) April 6, 2017, 4:29:31 PM
noelekim (User's profile) April 7, 2017, 4:03:40 AM
Mustelvulpo (User's profile) April 7, 2017, 1:44:41 PM
A human being can't outrun a cheetah- Homo ne povas kuri pli rapide ol gepardo.
No one will ever outwork me.- Neniu iam laboros pli forte ol mi.
What is the outlook for next year?- Kio (or Kia) estas la perspektivo por la venonta jaro?
What was the outcome of the game?- Kio estis la rezulto de la ludo?
This car outsold all others- Ĉi tiu aŭto pli bone vendiĝis ol ĉiuj aliaj.
Vestitor (User's profile) April 7, 2017, 9:43:13 PM
However the question is pretty threadbare, so who knows what the intention was.
Roch (User's profile) April 8, 2017, 12:55:31 AM
Grown (User's profile) April 8, 2017, 5:13:10 AM
Vestitor (User's profile) April 8, 2017, 10:54:30 AM
DuckFiasco (User's profile) April 12, 2017, 3:35:12 AM
For that reason, I suggest a paraphrase.
The lawyer managed to out-con the conman. / La advokato sukcesis trompi la trompiston. (neutral/positive)
The lawyer out-conned even the mob boss. / La advokato prifriponis eĉ la mafiestron. (negative)
What do you think?
Grown (User's profile) April 13, 2017, 6:31:42 AM