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Help Me Study Esperanto AJATT Style!

от bryanhaydukewich, 11 февраля 2009 г.

Сообщений: 22

Язык: English

ceigered (Показать профиль) 14 февраля 2009 г., 9:05:48

Technically you can vote on translations, which can help.

It's still in 'beta' or something like that too (along with Pirate English...).

And @ erinja: like/unlike is where you click the button and under a friends post/event/photo or something it will say that you like it ridulo.gif At first I was wondering if they had it for friends too - that could cause a bit of a problem ridego.gif

qwertz (Показать профиль) 9 апреля 2010 г., 20:29:53


About AJATT. If anyone is interested in the language learning methods the blogger there (Khatz) advocates, they are all free and written in entertaining articles at www.alljapaneseallthetime.com . I don't work for him, and I'm not interested in learning Japanese right now although I will someday. They are basically universal principles, very infleunced by Stephen Krashen and his input hypothesis of language learning.

Does anyone have more links to entertaining and light-hearted things in Esperanto? Art is a good example, like simple poetry, or music with lyrics.

Basically, I asked for blogs and stuff in the first post. And reading articles and the news is good for maybe a couple hours of the day at most. But I want to live my normal life through Esperanto while learning it, I don't just want to consume great literature from project Gutenberg. It's not feasible and would lead to burn out if I'm trying to simulate immersion. I'm going to try and collect a lot of things to do where Esperanto is simply the "background" of a more entertaining subject. Therefore, I won't be "studying."
The Stano MARČEK course book uses the same principle like Stephen Krashen presented.

Check it yourself:

Stephen Krashen Acquisition-learning

Stano MARČEK (115 pages only containing the full esperanto grammar) Rekto Metodo/ Cseh method

Yes, there excist some entertaining karaokeo stuff (189 minutes), too.

