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Help Me Study Esperanto AJATT Style!

од bryanhaydukewich, 11. фебруар 2009.

Поруке: 22

Језик: English

ceigered (Погледати профил) 14. фебруар 2009. 09.05.48

Technically you can vote on translations, which can help.

It's still in 'beta' or something like that too (along with Pirate English...).

And @ erinja: like/unlike is where you click the button and under a friends post/event/photo or something it will say that you like it ridulo.gif At first I was wondering if they had it for friends too - that could cause a bit of a problem ridego.gif

qwertz (Погледати профил) 09. април 2010. 20.29.53


About AJATT. If anyone is interested in the language learning methods the blogger there (Khatz) advocates, they are all free and written in entertaining articles at www.alljapaneseallthetime.com . I don't work for him, and I'm not interested in learning Japanese right now although I will someday. They are basically universal principles, very infleunced by Stephen Krashen and his input hypothesis of language learning.

Does anyone have more links to entertaining and light-hearted things in Esperanto? Art is a good example, like simple poetry, or music with lyrics.

Basically, I asked for blogs and stuff in the first post. And reading articles and the news is good for maybe a couple hours of the day at most. But I want to live my normal life through Esperanto while learning it, I don't just want to consume great literature from project Gutenberg. It's not feasible and would lead to burn out if I'm trying to simulate immersion. I'm going to try and collect a lot of things to do where Esperanto is simply the "background" of a more entertaining subject. Therefore, I won't be "studying."
The Stano MARČEK course book uses the same principle like Stephen Krashen presented.

Check it yourself:

Stephen Krashen Acquisition-learning

Stano MARČEK (115 pages only containing the full esperanto grammar) Rekto Metodo/ Cseh method

Yes, there excist some entertaining karaokeo stuff (189 minutes), too.


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