Mesaĝoj: 156
Lingvo: English
dombola (Montri la profilon) 2009-decembro-22 01:00:58
Will you accept mi into your establishment as a secretary.Will you accept me ...
Oŝo-Jabe (Montri la profilon) 2009-decembro-22 03:20:39
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-decembro-22 05:43:05

Great yakka mate!
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-decembro-23 10:38:45
white knight:Bonega laboro, amiko! (yakka = aŭstralia slangvorto por "laboro - work", mate = brita, aŭstralia, novzelanda slangvorto por "amiko - friend, buddy, dude (kaj tiel plu)").Great yakka mate!Would you please translate this into Esperanto for me.

Jes (Montri la profilon) 2009-decembro-23 17:18:36
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-decembro-23 17:37:46
Jes:May "deĉeni" be used as "to chain"?Not sure what this is in reference to but:
Maybe "enĉenigi" (to cause something to be in chains) or "ĉenfiksi" (chain-secure) or "ĉenligi" (chain-tie up/connect)?
(the latter two should be able to be reconstructed as BASE VERB + "per ĉeno" or "ĉene" (e.g. ligi ĉene, fiksi per ĉeno), depends on sentence)
Jes (Montri la profilon) 2009-decembro-23 22:23:49
ceigered:Good points, thanks mateJes:May "deĉeni" be used as "to chain"?Not sure what this is in reference to but:
Maybe "enĉenigi" (to cause something to be in chains) or "ĉenfiksi" (chain-secure) or "ĉenligi" (chain-tie up/connect)?
(the latter two should be able to be reconstructed as BASE VERB + "per ĉeno" or "ĉene" (e.g. ligi ĉene, fiksi per ĉeno), depends on sentence)

ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-decembro-24 02:02:11

If you always want you might be able to say "igi (to cause to be or make)/igxi (to become)/esti (to be)" + "kiel cxeno". I don't know whether that will be better suited for the context, but you can almost just build a verb like this:
(any preposition)+(adjective/noun component (cxen))+(base verb (see above examples))
dombola (Montri la profilon) 2010-januaro-31 21:32:43
Other day I was just wandering around here
to improve my English through Eo.and try to
get some ideas for a future "word of the day
in portuguese", when I decided to
participate a little bit.
I forget to tell you one important thing:
Oŝo-Jabe and ceigered are doing nice job!
Now I see this thread is somewhat spiritless.I apologize for any inconvenience.
Go on boys! Don´t give up so easily!
Among the ideas that came to me to invigorate the thread are:
1.Not translate all the sentences at once.Thus, leaving to someone else the turn to go on the work,to pass an opinion, we can enhance the number of active participators that could play both the role of worker and critic at the same time.
2.Not follow necessarily the daily rhythm or order of appearance of the original "vorto de la tago de Lernu!".We will follow a feasible pace.
3.After some number of words of the day have been completed (ex:ten),we could join them and send to be published(by the person of Lernu! team in charge of the English section)in the learning section of the site.
An example would be:
to adapt/fit/adequate/adjust
1.Taŭge,ĝuste kunigi ion materian al io.
Adequately,precisely to bring together some material to other.
#Estos facile adapti butonojn al ĉi tiu robo.
It will be easy to adapt buttons to this dress.
#Post adapto de brodaĵo la bluzo aspektas kiel nova.
Who wish to go on translating? or write something else?
Hope to hear from you all!
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-februaro-01 07:45:05

Anyway, I like your ideas and think that they could lead to more efficient conversion of the EO Word of the Days to EN Word of the days.
If I understand correctly, maybe we should just translate one (or two) examples (the ones that demonstrate the definition of the word) and leave the rest?
Thanks for sharing this with us though, I personally thought no one was interested for a while and then never got back to it, so this is a pleasant surprise (probably more for Oŝo-Jabe who put in more work than me).