Mesaĝoj: 156
Lingvo: English
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-februaro-01 07:58:30
Cloth, material
Teksaĵo, el kiu oni faras vestojn:
Textile from which one makes garments:
Mia kostumo estas farita el tre multekosta ŝtofo.
My costume is made from very expensive material.
Mi bezonos multe da subŝtofo por mia longa jupo.
I will need a lot of lining for my long skirt.
La patrino subŝtofis mian veŝton per felo por ke estu pli varme.
The mother lined my clothes using fur so that it should be warmer.
- "subsxtofo" means "undermaterial", therefore "lining"
- "por ke" - don't confuse this one with "porque" in Spanish or "por que" in Portuguese, slightly different meanings (por ke = para que in Spanish and Portuguese). Por ke is also, seemingly, followed by -u tense verbs, to mirror the subjunctive.)
dombola (Montri la profilon) 2010-februaro-02 02:48:29
Thanks for your attention!
The laziness atacks us all everyday!
Ŝtofo was short,though not very easy.
The great problem starts with the very long ones.Then, if you leave part of the work for someone else, you are using your laziness in favor of the community.
"Word of the day" can be very useful for beginners of Eo., so it will be rewarding to invest on it.
Could one say:
Mia kostumo estas farita el tre multekosta ŝtofo.
"My costume is made of a very expensive fabric."?
Does it sound natural for a native english-speaker?
Ĝis !
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-februaro-02 06:49:44
dombola:Could one say:Cheers Dombola
Mia kostumo estas farita el tre multekosta ŝtofo.
"My costume is made of a very expensive fabric."?
Does it sound natural for a native english-speaker?
Ĝis !

As for your question - your translation is just as valid (although "from" is probably better than "of a" but they make as much sense). One could say:
"My costume is made from very expensive material"
"My costume is made from very expensive fabric"
"My costume is made from very dear cloth"
"My costume is made from very costly stuff"

Oŝo-Jabe (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-12 17:10:39
Here are the two threads Chainy started:
I'm going to try and do some of the backlog from the past few months...
571 ANTIKVA Ancient
1. Ekzistinta kaj de longe ne plu ekzistanta:
Having existed and long since having ceased to exist
Ni ĉiuj aŭskultis legendojn pri la antikvaj tempoj.
We all listened to legends about ancient times.
Demeti de si la antikvan Adamon (plibonigi la konduton).
To take off the primal man(?) (to improve conduct).
Dionizo estis unu el la dioj, je kiuj kredis antikvuloj.
Dionysus was one of the gods that the ancients believed in.
2. Tro malnova, malmoderna:
Too old, retro
Tiu modo estas antikva.
This fashion is ancient.
La kolektanto de antikvaĵoj volas aĉeti ĉi tiun vazon de mi.
The antique collector wants to buy this vase from me.
Mi kolektos monon por aĉeti tiun ringon de antikvaĵisto.
I will gather money to buy this ring from an antique-seller.
La antikveco de tiu pentraĵo estas certigita de sciencistoj.
The age of this painting was confirmed by scientists.
567 KRUELA Cruel
1. Inklina suferigi, turmenti:
Inclined to cause suffering, to torment
La tigro estis kruela, sed ĝi defendis siajn idojn.
The tiger was cruel, but it defended its offspring.
Inter fremdaj ŝi estas edzino-anĝelo, kun la edzo ŝi estas demono kruela.
Among strangers she's like an angel, with her husband she's a cruel demon.
Estintaj amikoj plej kruele malpacas.
Past friends quarrel with the most cruelty.
La knabo estis fama pro siaj kruelaĵoj.
The boy was famous for his cruel acts.
Ĉiuj timis lin pro lia krueleco.
Everyone was afraid of him because of his cruelty.
Ŝia edzo fariĝis kruelulo ne nur por ŝi, sed ankaŭ por la infanoj.
Her husband became a cruel person not just towards her, but also towards the kids.
2. Suferiga, turmenta:
Causing suffering, tormenting
Liaj insultoj estis kruelaj por mi.
His insults were cruel for me.
Plej kruela estas redono por farita bono.
The cruelest is the reward for a good deed.
563 STOKO Stock
Kvanto da varoj, krudmaterialoj aŭ fabrikitaĵoj, disponeblaj en magazeno aŭ deponejo:
A quantity of goods, materials or textiles, available in a store or warehouse.
La ministro devigis Coca-Cola detrui sian tutan stokon.
The minister forced Coca-Cola to destroy its entire stock.
Bedaŭrinde la varoj, kiujn mi stokis, iĝis malpli kostaj.
Regrettably the wares, which I stocked, became cheaper.
La varoj estas sekure stokitaj.
The wares were securely stocked.
La oficejo funkcias ankaŭ kiel stokejo de la eldonaĵoj.
The office also works as a storehouse of the publications.
559 HAJLO Hail
1. Glaciiĝinta pluvo, falanta dense en grajnoj:
Frozen rain, falling thickly in granules.
Hajlo difektos niajn kreskaĵojn!
Hail will ruin our plants!
Estas tia hajla pluvego kaj ili ne havas ombrelon!
It's hailing so hard, and they don't have an umbrella.
Ekstere hajlas.
It's hailing outside.
La hajlero rapide degelis en miaj manoj.
The hail quickly melted in my hands.
Ĉi tiu hajleto min ne timigos!
This light hail doesn't scare me!
2. Densa falado de rondaj aĵoj:
Dense shower of round things.
Kiam vi estos en tiu montaro, atentu la ŝtonan hajlon.
When you are in that mountain range, watch out for the shower of rocks.
558 FANTOMO Ghost
1. Figuro videbla, sed ne palpebla, kia oni imagis reaperantan mortinton:
Figure visible, but not touchable, as one imagines a reappearing dead person to be
Mi vidis la fantomon de mia mortinta amiko!
I saw the ghost of my dead friend!
La fantoma kastelo timigis ĉiujn loĝantojn de tiu loko.
The ghostly castle scared all the inhabitants of that place.
2. Bildo sen realeco, nura ŝajno:
An unreal image, only an illusion
Tio estis nur sonĝa fantomo.
That was only the ghost of a dream.
La ŝipo trankvile, kvazaŭ fantome glitis sur la ondoj.
The ship peacefully, as though a ghost floated on the waves.
Tra Esperantujo fantomas diversaj onidiroj pri tio.
Many rumors about that have haunted Esperantujo*.
556 DIAFANA Translucent
Trairebla per lumradioj, sed ne travidebla:
Able to have rays of light pass through, but not clear
Lumo penetris la akvon kaj ĝi iĝis diafana.
Light went through the water and it became translucent.
Diafaneco estas unu el plej gravaj proprecoj de la papero.
Translucence is one of the most important properties of paper.
En maldiafana lago ni povis vidi neniun fiŝon.
In a murky lake we could see no fish.
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-12 22:23:49

Oŝo-Jabe:La knabo estis fama pro siaj kruelaĵoj.krueleco = cruelty
The boy was famous for his cruelty.
Ĉiuj timis lin pro lia krueleco.
Everyone was afraid of him because of his cruelty.
kruelajxo = cruel act/thing
Oŝo-Jabe:Ŝia edzo fariĝis kruelulo ne nur por ŝi, sed ankaŭ por la infanoj.farigxis kruela = became cruel
Her husband became cruel not just towards her, but also towards the kids.
farigxis kruelulo = became a cruel person.
Oŝo-Jabe:Kvanto da varoj, krudmaterialoj aŭ fabrikitaĵoj, disponeblaj en magazeno aŭ deponejo:For 'varoj' I would say 'goods', as this is the more common way to say it in Britain... But, I suppose 'wares' is absolutely fine!
A quantity of wares, materials or textiles, which can be distributed in a store or warehouse
For 'disponeblaj en magazeno' I would say 'available in the shop'
'Disponi' means 'to have at your disposal, or to have available to you' Eg.
"Mi disponas malmultan tempon" - I don't have much time [available to me]
"Mi estas al via dispono" = I'm at your disposal.
Oŝo-Jabe:Kiam vi estos en tiu montaro, atentu la ŝtonan hajlon.monto = mountain
When you are in that mountain, watch out for the shower of rocks
montaro = mountain range.
Oŝo-Jabe:fantoma kastelo timigis ĉiujn loĝantojn de tiu loko.logxanto = inhabitant
The ghostly castle scared all the locals of that place
I suppose 'locals' would be 'lokuloj'...
Oŝo-Jabe:Trairebla per lumradioj, sed ne travidebla:I suppose the best definition would be 'ne tute travidebla' (not completely see-through/semi-transparent)
Able to have rays of light pass through, but not clear
Oŝo-Jabe (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-13 04:03:57
Chainy:Just some thoughts, hope you don't mind the nitpicking!Not at all! I welcome the help!

I was working rather quickly, so some mistakes crept in where I read the original sentence wrong, or just wasn't thinking.
Chainy:I'll admit that I didn't know what "disponi" meant. I just had a vague idea gathered from context when I've read it in other texts. Anyway, I fixed that, and I agree that "goods" is a more natural translation of "varoj."Oŝo-Jabe:Kvanto da varoj, krudmaterialoj aŭ fabrikitaĵoj, disponeblaj en magazeno aŭ deponejo:For 'varoj' I would say 'goods', as this is the more common way to say it in Britain... But, I suppose 'wares' is absolutely fine!
A quantity of wares, materials or textiles, which can be distributed in a store or warehouse
For 'disponeblaj en magazeno' I would say 'available in the shop'
'Disponi' means 'to have at your disposal, or to have available to you' Eg.
"Mi disponas malmultan tempon" - I don't have much time [available to me]
"Mi estas al via dispono" = I'm at your disposal.
Chainy:[/quote]I fully agree, but that's the definition that was given for the word. I'm on the fence with regards to "see-through" versus "clear," but I've kept it the same.Oŝo-Jabe:Trairebla per lumradioj, sed ne travidebla:I suppose the best definition would be 'ne tute travidebla' (not completely see-through/semi-transparent)
Able to have rays of light pass through, but not clear
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-15 08:40:25
Got a little distracted with the football over the past day or two... Anyway, here's a look at the word 'sxovi'. I'd like to hear other people's interpretations on this one, too - the word certainly doesn't seem to always correlate exactly with the English verb 'to shove'!! - I'd start by thinking of 'sxovi' as meaning 'to push (along a surface)'
One example given by ReVo:
"Ni enŝoviĝis iom post iom en la amason kaj atingis nerimarkite ĝis la unuaj vicoj" = We squeezed our way little by little into the crowd and reached unnoticed the first rows. - According to ReVo, this sentence should not be translated as 'We shoved our way into the crowd..." (which has a rough and aggressive implication) because 'sxovi montras gxenerale agon mildan, moderan, delikatan, zorgan, singardan aux kasxan - The word 'sxovi' generally shows an action which is mild, moderate, delicate, caring, careful or secretive (not open, hidden)... This clearly does not coincide with 'to shove' in English!
ReVo continues: "dum 'pusxi' montras prefere agon malmoderan, maldelikatan, perfortan" - While 'pusxi' shows an action which is immoderate, indelicate, forceful... Eg. "Ni trapusxis nin tra la amaso kaj rapide forkuris" - We pushed (or shoved) through the crowd and quickly ran away.
1. Puŝi objekton, glitigante ĝin sur la surfaco, sur kiu ĝi kuŝas: - to push an object, sliding it on the surface that it is on.
Estis ne mi, kiu ŝovis la pordon! - (I'm confused by this one, anyone got any ideas?!) - It wasn't me who pushed the door. (You wouldn't say 'shoved the door' in English, but how on earth should we interpret 'sxovis' here - it's tempting to think of the notion 'slammed the door', but then this contradicts what ReVo says about the verbs 'delicate' nature. Anyone with a better dictionary?!).
Kara, alŝovu la seĝon al avino. - My dear (darling), push the chair to grandmother.
Ni translokiĝis al alia loko pro la katastrofa terŝoviĝo. - We moved to another place because of the catastrophic landslide.
La seĝo ŝoviĝis kaj li preskaŭ falis. - The chair slid and almost fell over.
Mi kunŝovis la fenestrokurtenojn, por ke neniu rigardu. - We drew the window curtains (closed), so that nobody would look (at us)/watch (us)
Ŝi surŝovis sian belan robon. - She threw on her beautiful skirt. (lit. shoved it on!)
2. Pli-malpli krude aŭ malorde iun penetrigi, enpuŝi: - More or less crudely or haphazardly (lit. 'without order') penetrate something, to push/shove (something) in....
La infano ŝovis la manon en fajron. - The child shoved her hands into the fire.
Ne ŝovu la nazon en fremdan vazon. - Don't poke your nose into other people's affairs (lit. vases!)
Kaŝu kiom vi povos, mensogo sin elŝovos. - However much you hide (something), a lie will (always) reveal itself/ come out (lit. push itself out).
Mi ne volas enŝovi min kun mia opinio. - I don't want to butt in with my opinion.
Kiu okazon forŝovas, ĝin jam ne retrovas. - He who pushes away an opportunity will not find it again.
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-15 09:55:19
PMEG says:
Per ve oni esprimas kordoloron aŭ bedaŭregon pro malfeliĉo - With 've' one expresses (emotional) pain or regret about misfortune.
“Ho ve, sinjoro, mia patrino forpelis min el la domo” - "Oh no (how terrible), my mother has thrown me out of the house." (maybe 'sinjoro' could be translated as 'sir' here..)
"Ho ve al ni, ke ni pekis!" - Oh woe betide us (pity us), for we have sinned!
Ve, ve, ve! Ni estas kaptitaj, radŝiritaj, kvaronigitaj! - (Sorry, but this sentence from PMEG just sounds ridiculous and I can't make any sense of it!) Literal translation: Oh how terrible! We have been caught, cudgelled (clubbed on a breaking wheel), and quartered. (The sentence sounds like the person is shouting it out whilst lying in a hacked-up state on the breaking wheel! A very composed person to express himself with such clarity when in such a state!

PMEG continues: Ve povas ankaŭ montri minacon al alia persono - "Ve" can also show a threat to another person.
Tiam ve al vi estos, se vi movos viajn ŝultrojn aŭ faros malkontentan mienon. - Woe betide you if you move ('shrug'?) your shoulders or make a dissatisfied expression.
- however, 'Woe betide' is now generally used in a humurous way in English, one of those funny old expressions. I suspect this is true of Esperanto, too (depending on the context, I suppose)
Going back to the Lernu definition...
Ve - Ekkria vorteto, esprimanta - an exclamation (lit. 'a little word that you shout out'), expressing:
1. ĝeman plendon pro kordoloro - a groaning complaint due to emotional pain.
"Ho ve, ho ve!" - ĝemis la malgranda knabino. - Oh how terrible (oh no)! groaned the little girl.
Tie ni aŭdis lamentojn, ĝemojn kaj veojn. - There we heard the laments, groans and wailing (ok, maybe not 'wailing', but something along those lines...)
La vento veadas en la malplenaj ĉambroj. - The wind wails/howls in the empty rooms. (well blows around in a very miserable way, if you know what I mean...)
Ŝi vespiris kaj diris: "Mi jam devas foriri." - She sighed and said "I have to go now"
Hejmveo ĉiam min turmentas, kiam mi estas en alia lando. - Homesickness always torments me when I'm in another country.
2. minacon pri malfeliĉo aŭ malbeno por iu alia - A threat of misfortune or a curse towards someone else
Ve al vi estos, se vi faros ion malbonan! - Woe betide you, if you do something bad.
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-15 10:35:39
1. Kunligi per fadeno aŭ io simila, kion oni traigas tra la kunligotaĵojn per speciala pinta ilo: - to connect with a thread or something similar, which one pushes through the things that are to be connected with a special, pointed instrument.
Some notes here:
kunligotajxoj - (or kun/lig/ot/ajx/oj) wow, nice Esperanto word here! Here's how it works:
kun/ligi - to connect (lit. to link with)
Then we've got '-ot-' in there which is a passive form, meaning that this 'will/is going to happen' (check out this PMEG page:participoj)
And then finally, there's '-ajx-', meaning some kind of 'thing' or 'object'.
Oni kudris mian haŭton - literally, "They stitched my skin"!

Tio estas manfarita kudro. - That is sewing done by hand.
Fadeno iras, kien kudrilo ĝin tiras - The thread goes where the needle takes it (lit. pulls it)
Mia poŝo malkudriĝis. - My pocket has become unstitched.
Oni malbone alkudris la butonojn, pro tio mi devis rekudri ilin mem - They stiched the buttons on badly, so I had to sew them back on myself.
2. Produkti per kudrado - To produce by sewing/stitching
La patrino kudris al mi belan robon - Mother sewed a nice dress for me.
Nia kudrejo produktas diversajn belajn vestojn - Our 'sewing room' produces various, nice clothes.
Ŝi estas profesia kudristino. - She is a professional seamstress.
3. Praktikadi tian produktadon - to practise such a (sewing) production...
Mi kudras sufiĉe bone - I can sew quite well.
Ŝi volis lerni la kudradon kaj pro tio aĉetis la kudromaŝinon - She wanted to learn how to sew (lit. 'sewing') and so she bought a sewing machine.
Kudri per fluganta kudrilo (tre rapide agi). - to sew with a 'flying needle' (to do things very quickly).
xdzt (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-15 14:32:29
Chainy:Mi kudras sufiĉe bone - I can sew quite well.I am just a beginner, but wouldn't "I [can] sew well enough" be a better translation for this?
Quite can have the same meaning as sufficiently, but in the sentence "I can sew quite well" I would take it to mean exceptionally or very.
But then, maybe I'm misunderstanding the Esperanto word sufiĉe.