Mesaĝoj: 156
Lingvo: English
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-22 06:29:42
1. Konjekto pri okazontaĵo bazita sur difinitaj signoj - A conjecture about something that will happen (in the future), based on definite signs.
Laŭ ĉiuj prognozoj la nombro de homoj en nia lando ne plu kreskos - According to all predictions/prognoses, the number of people in our country will not grow any more.
Note: You have to be careful where you put 'plu' in such a sentence! Eg.
"La infano ne plu ploras" = The child is not crying any more (ie. the child was crying before, but not now)
"La infano plu ne ploras" = The child is still not crying (the child wasn't crying before and continues not to cry...)
Laŭ la veterprognozo estos varme ĉi-semajne - According to the weather forecast it will be warm this week.
Oni prognozas ŝtormon por morgaŭ - They are forecasting/predicting a storm for tomorrow.
2. Antaŭkalkulo pri la fino aŭ evoluo de malsano - A prediction about the end of or the development of an illness. ("Antauxkalkuli" literally means 'to calculate in advance', to work out what to anticipate...)
Li ekaŭdis mortan prognozon - He heard the fatal prognosis (the prognosis of a terminal illness). "Morta malsano" = terminal illness.
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-24 09:34:36
1. Ĝeni per neoportuna alesto aŭ insisto - to bother [someone] with an inconvenient (in the sense of 'rather annoying') presence or insistance. (According to ReVo, it is better to say 'cxeesto' rather than 'alesto')
Kara amiko, vi certe ne tedas min! [My] dear friend, you are certainly not boring me!
Amiko fariĝas teda, se li tro longe sidas en la domo - A friend becomes boring if he sits in your home too long.
La instruisto ĉiutage tedadis nin per siaj rakontoj - The teacher bored us every day with his stories.
Mi tediĝis de tiuj homoj - I became tired/bored of those people.
Mi ŝatas lin, ĉar li ne estas tedulo - I like him because he isn't a bore.
2. Malagrable impresi per troa daŭro aŭ ripetiĝo - to make an unpleasant impression by continuing too long or repeating something.
Malbona vetero tedis la ripozantojn - The bad weather bored the holiday-makers (lit. 'the resting people')
En juneco logas, en maljuneco tedas - In youth [one] attracts [people], in old-age [one] bores [people]...
Kontraŭ ĉiu tedo ekzistas rimedo - There's a remedy for every [form of] tedium/boredom.
Note: The contrast between 'tedi' and 'enui':
He's bored = Li enuas.
He's boring = Li estas teda.
The job is boring = La laboro estas teda/enuiga.
- I've just had a quick look at the 'tekstaro' and I only found one example of 'enuiga' relating to a person. "Teda" appears to be the more usual word for describing a person... But for other things (not people) then either 'teda' or 'enuiga' can be used. These are just my impressions so far, please comment if you disagree!

I've seen some instances of "Li tedas" instead of "Li estas teda", but I think there could be a slightly different nuance to these. PMEG gives the example of "La cxielo estas blua" or "La cxielo bluas" and PMEG suggests that these have slightly different meanings - it seems use of the verbal form 'bluas' suggests a sky that is not just blue, but particularly so! (See the last section of this page for more info:Verbigo de perverba priskribo)
-In many cases, though, the meaning stays the same. For example: Li estas prava = Li pravas. No difference at all there...
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-24 12:45:42
1. Malordigi, tirskuante aŭ ĉifante - to mess [something] up by ruffling or crumpling.
Note: I'm not exactly sure about 'tir/skui' - 'ruffle' just seemed like the right word in this context.
This got me thinking of the difference between 'skui' and 'sxanceli', but this seems like a long story and I'm a bit muddled about this myself at the moment! (If you have any explanations on this, then please comment!)
La vento taŭzis miajn harojn - The wind dishevelled my hair.
Mi devas ordigi miajn distaŭzitajn harojn - I have to tidy up my dishevelled hair. (I've seen this written just as 'tauxzitaj haroj', I think adding 'dis-' just accentuates this...)
Mini warning: I would personally be tempted to stick with just the first definition, as the following definition is the more 'figurative' version and there are other words you can use to keep things simple...
2. Malmilde trakti per skuado aŭ tirado - to treat [someone] roughly by shaking or pulling.
La policistoj taŭzis la kaptitan ŝteliston - The policemen mishandled/mistreated the captured thief. (Here, I'd just stick with 'La policistoj mistraktis la kaptitan sxteliston'. I'd add 'tirskue' to that, if I was more sure about it's actual meaning!
Li forkuris kun mieno, taŭzita de teruro - He ran away with an expression etched with terror. (This seems to fit better with the first definition of 'tauxzi', and this one's probably worth remembering...)
Mi taŭzetis la infanon - tiel mi provis ridigi lin. Ok, this clearly doesn't belong to the second definition! It certainly doesn't mean that the child is being mistreated/abused in some way to make it laugh! (well, I hope so) To be honest, this word 'tauxzeti' sounds a bit odd to me in this context. I can only guess that it means something like 'to ruffle the child's hair in a playful way, or to tickle and prod the child in a playful way, maybe all them combined... Oh dear, this kind of Esperanto is beyond me at the moment!

Ŝi ekridis kaj ŝiaj trajtoj taŭziĝis - She smiled and her [facial] features crumpled/wrinkled/became dishevelled (if that's possible!) - ok, so that's maybe a ridiculous translation, but it seems to be a rather unsightly image...
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-25 17:52:37
1. Plibeligi per aldonaj objektoj aŭ detaloj - to make [something] more beautiful with additional objects or details
Mi ornamis la tutan ĉambron per belaj floroj - I decorated the whole room with beautiful flowers
Eĉ ŝtipo estos bela, se vi ĝin ornamos - Even a chunk/block of wood will be beautiful if you decorate it.
Ŝi estis la ornamo de la tuta komunumo - She was the adornment of the whole community
Antaŭ ilia geedziĝo mi okupiĝis pri ornamado de la salono - Before their wedding I occupied myself with the decorating of the sitting room.
Mi ornamiĝis per oro por la festo - I adorned myself with gold for the celebration.
2. Plibeligi, se paroli pri aldonaj objektoj aŭ detaloj - To make more beautiful if talking about additional objects or details...
Ĉi tiu monumento estas la plej bela ornamo de la urbo - This monument is the most beautiful decoration of the city.
Tablon ornamas ne tuko, sed kuko - It is not a [table] cloth, but a cake that adorns a table.
Kiel bele aspektas tiuj ornamaj arbetaĵoj de la ĝardeno! How beautiful those decorative wooden objects look in the garden.
Diversaj ornamaĵoj plibeligis la domon - Various ornaments made the house more beautiful.
Vian stilon necesas ŝanĝi - ĝi estas tute senornama - You need to change your style - it doesn't adorn you at all.
Note: There's also the word 'dekoracii' (to decorate). This is used when you want to say 'to decorate a room, or a place of some kind' (not a person!)
And 'dekoracio' can also mean the same as 'ordeno', as in a 'medal'.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-25 18:04:03
Chainy:2. Malmilde trakti per skuado aŭ tirado - to treat [someone] roughly by shaking or pulling.Taŭzi in "La policistoj taŭzis la kaptitan ŝteliston" sounds alright to me, at least as much as "La vento taŭzis miajn harojn". After all, it's implying that the treatment of the captive effectively dishevelled them. I think the definition is literally closer to "roughed up" or "treat roughly" than "mishandled" though, even if they effectively mean the same (considering the only way to mishandle something is generally to rough it up, it's rare to hear of something being mishandled by care and gentleness
La policistoj taŭzis la kaptitan ŝteliston - The policemen mishandled/mistreated the captured thief. (Here, I'd just stick with 'La policistoj mistraktis la kaptitan sxteliston'. I'd add 'tirskue' to that, if I was more sure about it's actual meaning!

Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-25 18:25:24
Skui - to shake
Sxi skuis al mi la manon - She shook my hand.
Li skuis la kapon (se oni diras ne al io) - He shook his head (if you say no to something).
Oni skuas botelon por miksi la enhavon - You shake a bottle to mix the contents.
Mi skuis la arbon por ke la pomoj falu. - I shook the tree so that the apples would fall.
Sxanceli - to rock (as in to push [backwards and forwards] to destabilize something)
Li sxancelis la boaton - He rocked the boat.
In the figurative sense:
Ili ŝancelis lian konvinkon - They made him doubt his conviction (= Ili igis lin heziti pri sia konvinko)
Vi nun komencas dubeme ŝanceliĝi - You are now beginning to hesitate doubtfully. (here, sxanceligxi = heziti)
(Ek)ŝanceli ies forton = malfortikigi ies forton. - To weaken someone's strength.
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-25 18:35:02
ceigered:Taŭzi in "La policistoj taŭzis la kaptitan ŝteliston" sounds alright to me, at least as much as "La vento taŭzis miajn harojn". After all, it's implying that the treatment of the captive effectively dishevelled them. I think the definition is literally closer to "roughed up" or "treat roughly" than "mishandled" though, even if they effectively mean the same (considering the only way to mishandle something is generally to rough it up, it's rare to hear of something being mishandled by care and gentlenessGood point, I suppose I'm starting to warm towards 'tauxzi' in this context, too!).

Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-27 08:38:44
1. Ĉirkaŭa ekstrema parto de la surfaco de objekto, rigardata laŭ ĝia longeco - the surrounding extremity of the surface of an object, [as] seen along its length.
Ŝi sidis sur la rando de la lito - She sat on the edge of the bed.
Mi ekŝatis tiun ĉapelon kun bele farita randaĵo - I liked that hat with the nicely made rim.
La randumo de la monero estas strekita - The edge of the coin is ridged (lit. has 'strikes' on it, so 'ridge' seems to fit here)
Sur la tablo staris ĝisrande plena taso da akvo - On the table there was a cup of water filled to the rim.
Ne prenu la tranĉilon! Ĝi estas akraranda! - Don't pick up (lit. 'take') the knife! It is sharp-edged!
2. Videbla linio, kie finiĝas ia etendaĵo en la spaco - A visible line, where some kind of expanse in space finishes.
Ĉu tie estas la rando de la maro? - Is that where the edge/end of the sea is?
Laŭdu belecon de l' maro, sed ĉe rando de arbaro - Praise the beauty of the sea, but from (lit. 'at') the edge of a forest.
Mi sentas, ke mi troviĝas ĉe la rando de la morto - I feel that I'm on the verge of death.
Ni loĝas en la randa parto de la lando - We live in the outer part of the country (lit. 'near the edge')
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-27 09:04:32
Duonlikva substanco, kiu, ŝmirita sur du objektoj, forte kunigas ilin sekiĝante - a semi-liquid substance, which [when] spread on two objects joins them together strongly upon drying.
Mi aĉetis glu(aĵ)on por kunglui la rompitajn pecojn de vazo - I bought some glue to stick the broken pieces of the vase back together again.
Por reklami la aranĝon ni gluis la afiŝojn sur la murojn - To adverstise the event we stuck the posters on the walls.
Ni atendu ĝis ĝi bone gluiĝos - We should wait until it has stuck itself together well.
Gluaĵu la strion da tapetpapero kaj mi algluos ĝin - Put some glue on the stip of wallpaper and I'll stick it [on the wall].
Al pec' pecon algluas, kiu neston konstruas - A piece sticks to a piece, which constructs a nest.
Insulto ne algluiĝas - An insult doesn't stick.
Ne tuŝu min per viaj gluecaj manoj! - Don't touch me with your sticky hands!
Pecon detranĉitan al la pano ne regluu - Don't stick a slice of bread back onto the loaf.
La poŝtistoj kapablas malglui ĉian ajn koverton - The postmen are able to unstick any kind of envelope. (as in open them without tearing the paper, I suppose).
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-27 09:18:12
Io, kion oni scias reale ekzistinta aŭ ekzistanta - Something that you know really did exist or exists [now].
Esperanto vivas, tio estas fakto - Esperanto lives, that is a fact.
Se vi ne scias la faktojn, pli bone ne rakontu tion - If you don't know the facts, it's better not to speak about that.
Ne ekzistas terno sen nazo nek fakto sen bazo - A sneeze doesn't exist without a nose, nor does a fact without a basis.
Li estis fondinto kaj formala direktoro, sed la fakta direktoro estis mi - He was the founder and formal director, but the real director (in actual fact) was me.
Fakte, jam dum multaj jaroj mi nenion aŭdis pri li - In fact, I haven't heard anything about him for years.