Mesaĝoj: 51
Lingvo: English
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-05 11:08:42
After the 1997 UK general election which John Major disastrously lost to Tony Blair, he went to watch a cricket match, which the TV described as the 'Englishman's solace', which I'm sure is true for many other people as well.
What is your own solace or 'non-medical tranquilliser' or 'refuge in a storm'?
I haven't set up a poll, as there could be so many possible responses. But to preserve the 'Esperanto flavour': is Esperanto a consolation for you? I certainly found that the recent UK national congress was a welcome break for me.
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-05 14:25:57
I subscribe to this view in general. Even if things are going badly, I feel better with a warm drink in my hand. If things seem to be going extraordinarily badly, then 'the good stuff' comes out (whole-leaf oolong, thoughtfully given to me by an Esperantist in Taiwan).
Tea is also my cure for feeling sleepy or bored at work. I drink a lot of tea.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-05 14:42:29
erinja:Aliens invading London? Let's put the kettle on.If I have my facts right, I believe Alien invasions are handled as such by the following countries:
UK - Tea
US - Total annihilation of them
Ireland - Get out the Guinness
Australians - Shadow Government blames the Govt, Govt claims they did everything right, calls the opposition a bunch of liars, journos exaggerate the situation, public holds debate, becomes an election issue, all the meanwhile our kangaroo population is slowly being abducted.
South Africans - stick the prawns in a shanty town pronto, before kicking them out into the back of some bakkies and transporting them to ANOTHER shanty town.
New Zealand - Nothing happens here, because the aliens accidentally land in Australia instead
Japan - Oh what? You say some barbarians are attacking us with sticks and rocks? Go fire a few warning shots from the plasma cannons to scare them off, and prepare a sortie of Gundams and Macross mecha just in case.
Esperantujo - expect a redebate about gender pronouns if the alien species is asexual, a new debate about neologisms coming from the alien language and the good ol' debate about how neutral Esperanto is if it doesn't include roots from their language(s).
@ the original conversation:
As you can clearly see, to calm down I go on the lernu! forums and post irrelevant and mind-numbingly silly information for no apparent reason

Miland (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-05 15:26:33
erinja:If things seem to be going extraordinarily badly, then 'the good stuff' comes out (whole-leaf oolong, thoughtfully given to me by an Esperantist in Taiwan).Let me mention my own favourite: First Flush Darjeeling. It's also called FTGFOP (Far Too Good For Ordinary People). It has a deep gold colour, when it is just right. I would never put milk or sugar in it, and it's good enough to drink even when it's no longer hot. In the USA, you can buy it from amazon, though upmarket malls with specialist tea shops may well have it. I was lucky to be able to buy some at a bargain price on the internet a couple of years ago.
Reteos (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-05 15:33:31

I'l agree with you all that a good cup of tea sorts most problems, and also i like to come on here, i think it takes my mind off of things, and if not then load up the PS3 and play some competative online games, always makes you forget your worrys

as Esperanto means One who Hopes,
i hope we can all use tea to solve our problems

infact i propose a Green Tea only rule at the next large meeting of Esperantists. the leave can be aranged in a verda stelo
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-05 15:41:09
Reteos:i propose a Green Tea only rule at the next large meeting of Esperantists. the leave can be aranged in a verda steloThere's an idea for the next British national congress, if they hold the banquet in a Chinese restaurant. In a Chinese restaurant I usually order Chinese tea to drink, which is usually green tea.
Reteos (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-05 17:07:09
Donniedillon (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-05 17:12:00
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-05 17:51:53
Reteos:Its a shame we cant have it in LondonThe 2011 congress is in Eastbourne; that should be easy enough to get to.
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-05 17:56:54
As for black teas, I greatly favor Shahrzad (شهرزاد) brand tea from Iran, purchased from my local Persian-Armenian bakery, but also available online. It tolerates long brewings without becoming overly bitter, even the Earl Grey variant. Strong enough to handle milk and sugar without losing its taste.
Donniedillon:I agree with everyone entirely, except I would replace the word "tea" in each post with "coffee". Like Captain Janeway said, "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised."Yes. The tea versus coffee divide separates Brits and Americans, but seems to be slowly disappearing. Most Americans haven't ever had a proper cup of tea. There's that old story, about President Reagan asking Prince Charles if he wanted tea, then giving him a cup, some hot water, and a tea bag! Most Americans can't see the problem with this. I told someone I know, and she told me "Well he can put his own teabag in the cup". Missed the point entirely.
On the other side of the coin, many Brits would serve a guest instant coffee, with no feelings of shame whatsoever. It's nearly unthinkable here. You brew a pot of coffee, period.