Mesaĝoj: 51
Lingvo: English
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-08 19:44:46
Even for a single cup, I don't much see the point of instant. A single-serving french press or a Vietnamese-style stainless steel cup-top filter makes a single cup easily, using the water from an electric kettle.
The only problem is cleanup, but of course if you brew your tea with real leaves in a pot, that also involves cleanup.
Re: Lapsang souchong. I bought a box of it just to try. I found it hard to take. It was so smoky that it was like drinking bacon! And now that that analogy has gotten into my head, I can't think of it as anything but "bacon tea". I am using the remains of my box in cooking. It can add a nice smoky flavor to bean dishes.
Pu-erh is another one that I found less easy to drink, though I am getting more used to it now. I have not tried brewing it gong-fu style, so that may have something to do with my relative lack of enjoyment of that. I do have the proper equipment but normally I only use it for oolong.
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-08 20:19:26
erinja:if you brew your tea with real leaves in a pot, that also involves cleanup.Actually for FTGFOP I use an infuser spoon, which saves labour. It doesn't have to be filled; half or even less that amount will suffice for a large mugful (or two cups if you do use a pot).
The term that I and the friend who introduced me to Lapsang Souchong used for it was 'smoky tea'. I acquired the taste for it easily enough, though I haven't drunk it for a few years now.
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-08 20:31:51
But honestly I find it easier to clear the leaves out of a small (single-cup-size) teapot, than out of the tea stick. I find that I use my small yixing pot much more than my stick.
Lapsang Souchong is indeed smoky. Very smoky. I'm not sure I could develop a taste for it. In any case, I'm not beholden to any one tea. I normally drink at least two different teas in a given day, and I like to have an assortment to choose from, depending on my mood.
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-08 20:43:39
erinja: I normally drink at least two different teas in a given day..Before starting off for work I usually use a common supermarket tea bag that can be steeped in boiling water and drunk strong with milk and sugar.
FTGFOP is for after dinner, or for relaxing with - there's a mug by my side as I write this. I can sip it through the evening, even after it gets cold. If I didn't have FTGFOP, I might settle for another Darjeeling or Earl Grey drunk black.
Donniedillon (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-08 20:53:28
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-09 04:58:19
Donniedillon:During the summer I'll sit by a fire in my yardIn relation to that other thread we had recently, I must admit, "Mi sidas apud fajro en mia ĝardeno" sounds dangerous

erinja:If you're posh enough to have a special fruit delivery every afternoon, I think you can give me a real coffee pot, thanks)Haha! That is pretty skimpy of them! But I must admit that I prefer those little instant sachets with the vanilla or chocolate flavouring in them, mmmmm!
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-09 08:40:33
ceigered:Nö/Nope, in Germany its quite common to dispose garden offcuts (tree branches, leafs) in the spring and at the fall. There are officials dates for doing that (casually one weekend onces, but lots of people don't care that). Of course it is not allowed during summer peak and activated forest fire index levels (Waldbrandstufe)Donniedillon:During the summer I'll sit by a fire in my yardIn relation to that other thread we had recently, I must admit, "Mi sidas apud fajro en mia ĝardeno" sounds dangerous
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-09 13:25:07
ceigered:Haha! That is pretty skimpy of them!My reaction was pretty much "You're kidding me, right?" They had this whole tray full of tea bags, hot chocolate sachets, a high-end quick-boiling electric kettle.... and sachets of Nescafe. In a hotel where staff visit your room literally four times a day. (cleaning, check up to make sure the cleaning was properly done, fruit service, and bed turndown service in the evening). At a hotel where they put a special towel next to your bed at turndown service, so you won't have to touch your feet to the floor when you take off your slippers to go to bed. And you can't even provide a proper coffee pot?
But I must admit that I prefer those little instant sachets with the vanilla or chocolate flavouring in them, mmmmm!Is that an instant sachet of like, Nescafe, with vanilla or chocolate flavoring, or is it an instant sachet of random hot drink in the flavor of vanilla or chocolate?
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-09 14:10:11
erinja:In a hotel where staff visit your room literally four times a day. (cleaning, check up to make sure the cleaning was properly done, fruit service, and bed turndown service in the evening). At a hotel where they put a special towel next to your bed at turndown service, so you won't have to touch your feet to the floor when you take off your slippers to go to bed. And you can't even provide a proper coffee pot?I'm guessing that it's easier to sue a hotel over lack of cleaning (you might slip on the 1 micrometer layer of dust that built up over night and hit your head), lack of healthy food (you might not have your daily intake of vitamin C and suddenly come down with scurvy), and having to touch the floor with your bare feet (because all sorts of foot fungi are just waiting for the moment to strike), than it is for people to sue them over not giving you your caffeine so you can increase your chances of heart problems by 0.00000000000000000001%

You never know with companies these days and their perceived legal obligations. Then again, they could just be plain lazy like me

Yeah the Nescafe - something akin to these (Although I certainly wouldn't be spending £15 on them, it'd take me a whole year to go through that many)But I must admit that I prefer those little instant sachets with the vanilla or chocolate flavouring in them, mmmmm!Is that an instant sachet of like, Nescafe, with vanilla or chocolate flavoring, or is it an instant sachet of random hot drink in the flavor of vanilla or chocolate?
Reteos (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-09 14:56:25
it was really nice i called it Mongolian Style