Another of my questions
от Lynchie, 2 августа 2010 г.
Сообщений: 45
Язык: English
Lynchie (Показать профиль) 2 августа 2010 г., 18:02:40
qwertz (Показать профиль) 2 августа 2010 г., 20:11:45
Lynchie: Which do you think is most important in speaking Esperanto?To get the feeling that you're babbling in the foreign language. If someone wanna be perfect in the beginning, someone will block itselves. So, accepting that someone needs to explain many thing longwinded and non-precise is quite normal at this stage. And it grants very interesting different ways to describes things if someone only has a restricted language proficiency first. It's all about practicing means someone should add personal experiences to the foreign language (vocabulary, grammar rules etc.). Making mistakes is a good way to memorize. So, don't worry.

biguglydave (Показать профиль) 2 августа 2010 г., 22:20:06
Lynchie:Which do you think is most important in speaking Esperanto?1) Vocabulary
2) Vocabulary
3) Vocabulary
4) Vocabulary
5) Vocabulary
As a famous scholar once said, "... the rest is just commentary."
Lynchie (Показать профиль) 2 августа 2010 г., 22:23:09
Miland (Показать профиль) 2 августа 2010 г., 23:19:31
Lynchie:Which do you think is most important in speaking Esperanto?I would strive to make your spoken Esperanto as good as you can. Here is a good model, and I'm talking about her Esperanto.
Lynchie (Показать профиль) 2 августа 2010 г., 23:27:48
orthohawk (Показать профиль) 3 августа 2010 г., 0:26:43
Miland:Another is Radio Verda by our own Aaron Chapman.Lynchie:Which do you think is most important in speaking Esperanto?I would strive to make your spoken Esperanto as good as you can. Here is a good model, and I'm talking about her Esperanto.
Lynchie (Показать профиль) 3 августа 2010 г., 0:36:33
Lynchie (Показать профиль) 3 августа 2010 г., 9:27:23

Uvi (Показать профиль) 3 августа 2010 г., 14:49:48

She does have a beautiful singing accent, perhaps because of her affair with Spanish (I noticed the same symptoms in my spoken Esperanto).

Nevertheless, she'd make a nice cover for our upcoming Hiphopa Kompilo Vol.2.
Gotta love your subtle British humor, my friend.