Lernu University
kelle poolt EoMy, 10. september 2010
Postitused: 28
Keel: English
Miland (Näita profiili) 13. september 2010 21:52.25
EoMy:Esperanto is the best choice for Lernu UniversityThe University of San Marino has a contact page (click on the button "Kontakto" in the menu on the left hand side of the page). You may wish to discuss your idea with them.
ceigered (Näita profiili) 13. september 2010 23:30.33
EoMy:It is no hope that the ruling class will give up their language and return the mother tongue education to the people. I am impressed that Australia is doing so. I hoped I did not misread it. mondetoJust a quick point of confusion before I actually continue with the real discussion: Ruling class? I'm confused, if you're referring to English it's transcended mere "ruling class" language status and is now becoming a language of the people across the world, whether we like it or not (but don't misunderstand, I'm not disagreeing that teaching ones mother tongue is a bad idea, I'm just trying to debunk any illusions that English is part of a ruling class conspiracy

Sorry if I misunderstood

Regarding Mondeto, I've honestly never heard of or seen their work manifested in any form apart from the odd website (I know who and what they are though). But they're right that Australian LOTE (language other than English) education is freaking appalling. Too many schools only teach one or two languages, so according to Murphy's law ("nothing goes the way you want it to" said a wise Irish man) you'll never get to study the language you want, and most children end up going between several different languages in primary school. And even though I've done Indonesian almost all my life, half that time I was being taught by teachers who didn't even know what they were teaching or in many cases how to teach (student teachers).
And as soon as you get to high school it's not compulsory (and not enough parents push for it because they honestly believe that it's either too hard for their children or not as important as learning about climate change (when I say climate change education, I mean "this is a nuclear reactor. It makes a lot of power and lasts long but the waste is evil" as opposed to "This is a nuclear fission reactor. Its benefits are .. ... ... and ...; this is a nuclear fusion reactor, its benefits are ... ... ... ..").
Esperanto may have ease on its side, and luckily not many Australians know about it, but the "smart" (I say that more in relation to their expansive knowledge of facts, not on the merits of their mental processing capabilities) people with power in school boards or close to the school might know and deride it as being something beneath them, and normal parents might just go "well, artificial, that sounds a bit pointless compared to Chinese" (in fact, people here say INDONESIAN is unimportant because they don't see themselves getting a big corporate job position in China/Germany/America/Japan with Indonesian... Sheesh).
At least university level language education rocks.
Tirade about AU Education system: over!
EoMy (Näita profiili) 14. september 2010 5:06.51
Miland:Thanks Milan. Let time decides.EoMy:Esperanto is the best choice for Lernu UniversityThe University of San Marino has a contact page (click on the button "Kontakto" in the menu on the left hand side of the page). You may wish to discuss your idea with them.
EoMy (Näita profiili) 14. september 2010 5:18.54
ceigered:See, how bad is my English.
Ruling class?
What i meant is the ruling party of the country, this does not refer to Australia. It goes to the world, for example, will Chinese give up the Han language as an offcial language and allow the other 55 races to study their mother tongue? Using esperanto as a main communication in China?
Esperanto is a threat to many ruling classes (government in control), i hope this time is clear. They may lose out what aquired in the past. The next example is the Britain, will the British government allow the Wales, Scottish,Irish etc to study their mother tongue and use Esperanto as a common languge. The 1st UK was held in Britain.
Lernu has started as a part of the Prague manifesto and it should be expanded to save more languages which are going to disappear on this earth. Giving less pressure to the people in the rural areas. An hour tuition of English in Bangkok cost 500 bahts. A shop assistant in Bangkok earns 10,000 bahts a month.
Would the childeren of these shop assistants able to go to university which is conducted in English medium.
English is a big pie of economy in Thailand now. The poor will become poorer.

ceigered (Näita profiili) 14. september 2010 9:42.37

The problem is definitely evident in countries like Thailand, I take it though in other Asian countries like Indonesia, China, Japan etc English isn't so much a threat as it is a curiosity, but then those big languages themselves do threaten smaller local varieties like the local languages in South East asia and the dialects in China (although, that said, those dialects have mostly been viewed historically as being just off shoots of "official" Chinese, so I suspect for some there is no point fighting for their languages/dialects/verbal communication).
Anyway, back to what I was originally gonna discuss: one problem is finding balance with Esperanto. For example, we don't want Esperanto to do the same as the larger langauges are doing to smaller languages right now. At the same time, we must be able to say "well, that language is now dead, and there is little we can do to help it outside study and intellectual interest". I suspect EO would be a LOT more helpful in Bangkok than English, but there arises a risk that EO tuition will suffer the same abuse as English tuition (let alone poverty which won't change language learning no matter which language, then it's more about language teaching methods I suspect).
In other words, I feel that if EO is used as a vehicle for intercommunication, we can't let the teaching of Esperanto become corrupted like English and French have before.
In England (and maybe some other countries) though, I suspect EO isn't quite so important to language survival there, since it's not so much preserving the language of native speakers, but promoting secondary use of Irish, Welsh and Scottish - in Ireland and Scotland, their mother tongue IS English, and Irish and Scottish are only mother tongues of a very small amount of people, so Irish and Scottish are often more second mother tongues or just second non-native languages to many people living there. Wales is special though, but they are sort of bilingual and have two mother tongues. Anyway, there the problem is not preserving the mother tongue (as the mother tongue is English), but teaching the historical tongue of the land (Irish/Scottish/etc). Maybe EO can be used in the learning of grammar (although, English and the Celtic languages have a sprachbund of their own which means EO isn't quite as useful as a bridge language as it would be for say English + chinese or English + French).
(So, there isn't really a threat of England losing "power" it aquired in the past, since, no matter how hard an Irishman or Scot tries to argue they are different, English and Celtic nation culture is very strongly integrated to the point where they are practically an inseparable mix of people, genetically and linguistically speaking. Everyone in Britannia has a bit of Gaelic, Pictish, Briton, Anglo-Saxon-Jutic, Roman and Danish blood whether they like it or not

Back to Thailand, that is very sad how there's a focus on English so great that it's unaffordable. It's like how charity aid to some African nations only weakens them, except for with languages - it'd be better for them to speak their national language and focus on their own country more than others (without killing tourism).
Anyway, thank you EoMy for that sad information about thailand.
EoMy (Näita profiili) 14. september 2010 15:55.59
For your thought that chinese dialeact is offshot of the han of which is not so as i think, the Urgor, who use the Arabic language since the early days as well as the Mongolian, Tibetian and Thai in Yunnan are totally different.
More eyesore for the English development, corrupted even in school. Native speaker of English is the white skin, does not care you are French , German or ...
Read here White skin gets more than tanned
qwertz (Näita profiili) 14. september 2010 16:48.59
EoMy:In my opinion e-o amikoj should stay to Manifesto de Raŭmo instead of emulating a non-excisting huge and strong e-o lobby/pressure group with pretentious claims like mentioned at the Manifesto de Prago.
Well, Ceigered, I shall let the Lernu decides whether how far it will take the esperanto and help the people standing by the Prague manisfesto.
"... Raumism defined all Esperantists as "a self-chosen diasporic linguistic minority" turns away from goals like finvenkismo and emphasizes instead the fact that the Esperanto-speaking community has itself become a culture, worthy of preservation and promotion for its own sake ..."
There excist a German proverb: "Schuster, bleib' bei deinen Leisten!"/ "Ŝuisto, restu ĉe via iloj!". In English maybe "Cobbler, stick to your (also: thy) last." or "Step down"(?).
ceigered (Näita profiili) 14. september 2010 23:53.26
EoMy:For your thought that chinese dialeact is offshot of the han of which is not so as i think, the Urgor, who use the Arabic language since the early days as well as the Mongolian, Tibetian and Thai in Yunnan are totally different.Ah yes, indeed - I must admit for certain reasons I don't regard that (nor the descendants of Manchurian) as "Chinese" due to the lack of relation. Sorry for my ambiguity

More eyesore for the English development, corrupted even in school. Native speaker of English is the white skin, does not care you are French , German or ...Do you mean how nowadays in some countries there is a stereotype that white people = English speakers? (I don't know if you can understand indonesian being from Malaysia, but just incase you can: Apakah anda bilang ada orang yang pikir semua orang kulit putih (yang tidak dari Inggris atau Amerika atau Australia) bisa mengajar bahasa inggris?)
Read here White skin gets more than tanned
It's a scary thought though. Esperanto would DEFINITELY solve that one. After that, the problems of bias (e.g. "these people speak Esperanto better than the rest based on one personal experience I had so I'm only going to employ people from that country", which is silly thinking). I guess it isn't as bigger problem in Thailand as it is in Japan and Korea, where Englishes other than American English are seen as being "bad English".