"Bildoj kaj demandoj" lernu.net kurso | karaokeo animated subtitle?
de qwertz, 23 de abril de 2010
Mensagens: 3
Idioma: English
qwertz (Mostrar o perfil) 23 de abril de 2010 11:12:23
do you think that an karaokeo animated subtitle (=syllable coloring synchron to the voice) can put some more attention to the learning material? Means, can a karaokeo animated subtitle arise learning impact?
Please take a look at that excample. It's not completly ready yet.
Esperanto Rekta Metodo (vimeo flash video)
Bildoj kaj demandoj (lernu.net kurso)
Thanks for your opinion.
ceigered (Mostrar o perfil) 23 de abril de 2010 17:08:48

qwertz (Mostrar o perfil) 23 de abril de 2010 17:53:57