"Bildoj kaj demandoj" lernu.net kurso | karaokeo animated subtitle?
貼文者: qwertz, 2010年4月23日
訊息: 3
語言: English
qwertz (顯示個人資料) 2010年4月23日上午11:12:23
do you think that an karaokeo animated subtitle (=syllable coloring synchron to the voice) can put some more attention to the learning material? Means, can a karaokeo animated subtitle arise learning impact?
Please take a look at that excample. It's not completly ready yet.
Esperanto Rekta Metodo (vimeo flash video)
Bildoj kaj demandoj (lernu.net kurso)
Thanks for your opinion.
do you think that an karaokeo animated subtitle (=syllable coloring synchron to the voice) can put some more attention to the learning material? Means, can a karaokeo animated subtitle arise learning impact?
Please take a look at that excample. It's not completly ready yet.
Esperanto Rekta Metodo (vimeo flash video)
Bildoj kaj demandoj (lernu.net kurso)
Thanks for your opinion.
ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2010年4月23日下午5:08:48
I think it works very well - they're also in just about every fan-sub for Japanese anime in the opening song and ending song, sometimes just highlight or flashing the pronounced syllable, sometimes with some more complex computer animation, sometimes with a little whosit jumping up and down on the words

qwertz (顯示個人資料) 2010年4月23日下午5:53:57
Yes, this options to highlight or flashing the pronounced syllables attract a lot of attention.
Ultrastar Deluxe (SingStar clone) also has some features doing that. excample.