
"Bildoj kaj demandoj" lernu.net kurso | karaokeo animated subtitle?

从 qwertz, 2010年4月23日

讯息: 3

语言: English

qwertz (显示个人资料) 2010年4月23日上午11:12:23


do you think that an karaokeo animated subtitle (=syllable coloring synchron to the voice) can put some more attention to the learning material? Means, can a karaokeo animated subtitle arise learning impact?

Please take a look at that excample. It's not completly ready yet.

Esperanto Rekta Metodo (vimeo flash video)

Bildoj kaj demandoj (lernu.net kurso)

Thanks for your opinion.


ceigered (显示个人资料) 2010年4月23日下午5:08:48

I think it works very well - they're also in just about every fan-sub for Japanese anime in the opening song and ending song, sometimes just highlight or flashing the pronounced syllable, sometimes with some more complex computer animation, sometimes with a little whosit jumping up and down on the words rido.gif

qwertz (显示个人资料) 2010年4月23日下午5:53:57

Yes, this options to highlight or flashing the pronounced syllables attract a lot of attention. rideto.gif Ultrastar Deluxe (SingStar clone) also has some features doing that. excample.
