Mesaĝoj: 13
Lingvo: English
mrdeano (Montri la profilon) 2010-aprilo-01 20:32:01
Scalex:ooh okay.mrdeano:What's wrong with it being too English?Usually, Esperanto words are taken from words which exist in multiple languages, and spread across a large area - juna is related to the German, French, and Spanish (from a quick check in lernu's vortaro), whereas "old" is primarily English.
I suppose it doesn't really matter. It is just one word. Out of what? thousands?
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2010-aprilo-01 20:48:57
A more international root would be something starting with vi(e)-, which occurs in French vieux and Spanish viejo.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-aprilo-02 05:08:14
darkweasel:A more international root would be something starting with vi(e)-, which occurs in French vieux and Spanish viejo.Which both come from "vetulus" (from "vetus"). However, I doubt people will want to be called vetuloj just for having some "olda" traits

If something were to be born from a "vie" root though, I'd go for "viel" or "viejo" (seeming as eux and eaux are the descendants of a dark-L sound change, "vielo" makes more sense than "vioo" to me)